Sports Massage Therapy in Greenville
If your an athlete in Clarksville then stop by Massage Therapy Center to get a sports massage! There is not one athlete that sports massages are directed towards. This type of massage benefits anyone from an occasional jogger to a professional athlete. This is because sports massage therapy is tailored to the sport and the athlete. During a sports massage, the therapist at Massage Therapy Center focuses on parts of the body that are repetitively stressed and overworked.
Why Use Sports Massage in Greenville?
It is common to use sports massage as a part of an athlete's regular training schedule. In order to prepare for an event, sports massage therapy is likely to be used as well as a means to minimize the amount of time need to recover from a maximum performance. Along with massage therapy adjustments, sports massage can increase flexibility and endurance. Athletes also can expect less fatigue. A substantial benefit for athletes that combine massage therapy adjustments and sports massage therapy is decreased likelihood of injury and maximum physical potential.
A primary benefit of combining these treatments is treating both the body's musculature and structure. A study found that performing a single 45-second massage increases range of motion while another study found by receiving massages before or after a performance reduces the amount of muscular soreness the athlete feels.
It is highly suggested to consider caring for your body while being physically active with massage therapy adjustments and sports massage. Call Massage Therapy Center in Greenville SC today and find out what benefits of a sports massage are ahead for you.
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Massage Therapy Center
30 Roper Corners Cir Ste A
Greenville, SC 29615